Manuel Chavajay: Atit ya’ / Abuela agua
Manuel Chavajay and Cheen Cortez.
In celebration of World Water Day and as part of the event “El Agua es vida, memoria e identidad: Jornada dedicada al diálogo sobre el agua,” organized by OXFAM in Central America and The Ad Company, held at the Centro Cultural de España in Guatemala (CCE, former Lux Cinema/Theater), Maya-Tz'utujil artists Manuel Chavajay and Cheen installed the artwork "Atit ya’ / Abuela agua" (acrylic painting on canvas) in the building's lobby. During the inauguration of the artwork, a poem by Maya K'iche'-Kaqchikel poet Rosa Chávez was read, followed by a conversation with the participation of Silvio Gramajo, Ricardo Caldera, Elena Chiquival, Aída Carrillo, José Gómez, Francisco Rocael, and Patricia Orantes.
The installation is open for viewing from February 26 to March 22, 2025, Tuesday through Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM.